Rose & Lavender Kindergartens

Rose & Lavender Kindergartens

5‐day, full‐time programs from 8:45 – 1:45 pm
*fee-based after-school care program available

DSC_0378Yuba River Charter School has two mixed-aged kindergarten classes. Suzanne Scirpo teaches the Rose Kindergarten and Doris Rainville teaches the Lavender Kindergarten.

Infants and young children are entirely given over to their physical surroundings; they absorb the world primarily through their senses and respond in the most active mode of knowing: imitation. Imitation is the power to identify oneself with one’s environment through one’s active will.

As teachers, we feel the responsibility to create an environment that is worthy of the child’s unquestioning imitation. We want to offer the child plenty of opportunities for meaningful imitation and for creative play. This supports the child in the central activity of the early years: the development of the physical organism. We understand that to draw the child’s energies away from this fundamental task to meet premature intellectual demands robs the child of the health and vitality he or she will need for later life and weakens the very powers of judgment and practical intelligence the teacher wants to encourage.

In our kindergartens, children dress up and become mothers and fathers, kings and gnomes; they sing, paint, and color. Through songs and poems they learn to enjoy language; they learn to play together; hear stories, which they rein act in drama, see puppet shows, bake bread, make soup, model beeswax, build houses out of boxes, sheets and boards. It is our belief that to become fully engaged in such work is the child’s best preparation for life. It builds powers of concentration, interest, and a life-long love of learning.

For further information please read our Kindergarten Handbook 21-22