After-School Care Program

After Care Program

Yuba River Charter School offers an after-school childcare program for enrolled students.  Aftercare is open from 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. on regular school days.  ONLY kindergarten students can attend between 1:45 p.m.-3:10 p.m. on regular school days. 

Students must be currently enrolled in the Yuba River Charter School and complete Aftercare enrollment paperwork before attending.

For further information, please read our Yuba Streams Handbook 24-25


How Do I Sign My Child Up for Aftercare?


  1. Enroll in Yuba Streams
  2. Once the form is complete your child will be enrolled in Yuba Streams and you will have access to sign-ups on ParentSquare under LINKS



For emergencies: 530-648-1118 text/call



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