Air Quality Communication 8.24.21

Air Quality Communication 8.24.21

August 24, 2021


Dear Yuba River Charter School Families,
That time of year is upon us when Air Quality rises to the forefront of our consciousness, it is truly hard to ignore when we open our doors in the morning to hazy skies!  At YRCS we are taking the air quality seriously.  We have newer classroom ventilation and filtration systems that may be better than the systems in many of our families’ own homes.  In addition, we have purchased an Air Purifier with medical-grade HEPA filters for all classrooms and large spaces.  We have also ordered smaller HEPA air purifiers for all of the small spaces.  Half of the units have arrived and we have begun placing them in the classrooms.  Our Purple Air sensor is expected to arrive early this week and we will notify families when it is live and broadcasting.  This is a wonderful tool to provide up-to-date air quality monitoring available to all staff, parents, and neighbors.  We also have purchased a handheld AQI monitoring tool so that we can check indoor air quality.
In addition to the tools we have purchased to filter and monitor the air quality at YRCS, we are implementing the School Flag Program under the guidance of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  The School Flag system is simple; a designated office employee will monitor our Purple Air sensor AQI number and hang the corresponding flag color in the back window of the Administrative office building.  This window faces the classrooms and play areas so the flag will be seen clearly.  The unassuming colored flag should barely be noticed by children, however, teachers will be able to use the flag color to guide their outdoor activities.    School closures are announced via ParentSquare so please make a habit of checking for calls from the school on high AQI days.  If your child is in a sensitive group you may choose to keep your children home as an excused absence.
Warm regards,
YRCS Administrative Team