We Are Going Solar! A Partnership with DC Solar…
~The Board of Directors approved the bid proposal from DC Solar, and we are excited to enter into these next important steps. In light of our society’s recent challenges, moments like these give hope!
More to come…
Our Next Big Project: Solar Proposals received
~We have received and are in review of proposals from 4 different solar companies, CalSolar, Grid Alternatives, Sustainable Energy Group and DC Solar. Each company has provided a thorough site visit and each set of representatives are showing great support for our project. The common theme is, “Even if you don’t go with us, as long as you are going Solar, it’s a benefit to our planet”.
Our Next Big Project: Going Solar, Update on Proposals
~In order to help us reach out to Solar Companies, GoodSun Solar is working with us as solar consultants for the Big Solar Project, as mentioned below. We hope to have more news this Spring, stay tuned…
Our Next Big Project: Going Solar
~As we live into this second year on campus, our sights are set on a next stage of our development. While the playground expansions continue, our gaze lifts up to the sky, to the sun, to solar energy. While the building project had as part of its scope the inclusion of a solar array on the roof tops, it was cut from our project for budgetary considerations. With forethought, the contractors and planners made sure to set us up for a solar expansion, if the time came where we would be in a place to move forward.
~We are calling out for Solar Contract bids from December 2019 until hopefully a Spring decision. Ideally the build-out occurs when we are closed for the coming summer, though we will work with whatever comes our way, as we do.
~In hope and planning for a near future of sustainable energy production, please click below for more information:
YRCS Solar Intention, Call out for Bids, Letter to the Public YRCS Solar Intention, Proposal Criteria, Letter to the Public
Care Taking our Campus ~ Putting Down Roots
~Lupine in Spring 2020, upper campus rain gardens

~Yuba River Families created this space for play outside the classrooms

~Playcourt and Benches
~Ready for our First Day of School… August 2018

- 8/21/2018 Yuba River Charter School had its first day of school on our new campus. Freshly painted classrooms, newly organized spaces, navigating parking, dusty hillsides, and an expansive area for all to explore. Here’s to year one of our 30 year mortgage, our journey of care taking this land begins…
These pictures show the bioswales, raingardens in their early years, retention basin and semi-permeable pavement and landscaping that came about through grant monies from the American Rivers and the Department of Water Resources, as these features will help to mitigate water runoff and support our community watershed! (For archive photos of this partnership, click here: https://yubariverschool.org/water-mitigation-a-partnership-for-the-yuba-river-watershed/ )
Semi-permeable pavement with roof runoff
into an underground retention basin… 
Our landscaping has rain gardens are coming along, with natural river rock and native plant species…

Raingardens will be throughout the campus, with plantings that will help to slow down and clean the waters as they flow…

The retention basin allows for the slowing of water runoff in order to lessen the effects of large storms downstream…

Downstream from the retention basin, water is guided through the land in various bioswales…

- 05/5/18 The school facility is projected to be completed by mid to late June. There will be much to do to get the facility ready for the new school year. This summer will be a time for everyone in the school community to participate in making this new facility our home and ready to welcome the students on the first day of school August 21st.

- 02/12/18 All the buildings are on the site and the siding and roofs are being installed. The interior drywall will follow in a few weeks and then painting. There is still a lot of hardscape (concrete walks and pads) that will be completed once it is warm enough and weather permits. Landscaping will follow along with additional road work on Rough&Ready Hwy. and Adam Avenue. The projected completion date is towards the end of May but we are hoping it will be sooner. The school plans on moving into the facility during the month of June. The hope is that the property will be available to visitors in April or May depending on how the schedule goes.

- 08/25/17 First foundation walls have been poured for admin building. Foundations will continue to be poured over the next week. Framers are scheduled for the 2nd week of September. All utilities are in the ground. Septic system is being dug. The project is running a few weeks behind but is scheduled to be completed by February 2018. This will give the school time to work on landscaping and playgrounds plus finishing inside rooms. We are currently working on a design for the farm in order to write and apply for a federal grant to support all the infrastructure needed to create a dynamic farm program.
- Pictures are of the first cement pour, an exciting moment!

- 12/15/16 Mobilization of equipment has started and will continue as weather permits.
- 12/6/16 Notice to Proceed issued to contractors – construction begins soon!
- 11/14/16 OPSC received Fund Release Authorization and estimates 4-6 weeks for funds to be released to YRCS.
- 11/9/16 Building contract awarded to Simile Construction and Silver Creek. The low bid came in $1.3 million over the amount of the state facility grant. YRCS has funds to contribute and will be launching a capital campaign to cover the remaining funds needed to complete the project.
- 11/2/16 Bids opened, see list of bids.
- 9/30/16 Bid package released for contractors to review and hopefully submit a bid! Construction is projected to start in November 2016 with a 12-18 month project period.
- 8/15/16 State Allocation Board awarded funding allowing the building project to move forward
- 5/26/16 Conversion for Final Apportionment was approved by the State Allocation Board and YRCS filed to be on the Priority Funding List and is now awaiting for funds from the state.
- 12/31/2015 Cleanup up of the Adam Avenue property completed and Removal Action Completion Report Issued

- (9/16/15) Clean up of the Adam Avenue property started with a local contractor, Hansen Bros, being the low bid. It is estimated to be a less than 45 day project to removal toxic materials from the portion of the site that will be the school entrance and parking lot.
- (6/5/15) Clean Up of the Adam Avenue property will be going out to bid in June/July 2015. Bid documents are currently being prepared and will be posted by the end of June.
- (1/13/15) Nevada County Board of Supervisor’s approved Final Mitigated Negative Declaration and Rezone & Use permits.
- (11/13/14) Nevada County Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of CEQA doc, Rezone & Use permits, and storm water management plan to the Board of Supervisors
- (9/12/14) Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration out for Public Review
- (8/15/13) DTSC held public meeting on draft RAW at Grass Valley City Hall.
- (7/16/13) Board of Supervisor’s Meeting to hear appeal and approve rezoning application 1:30 pm at the Rood Center – Sent back to Planning Department for further review and accept 3 items of the appeal regarding water drainage, septic/sewer design and traffic mitigation.
- (5/8/13) EPA Brownsfield Cleanup Grant for $600,000 awarded to YRCS
- (5/23/13) Nevada County Planning Commission Approved Use Permit, Rezoning and Management Plan for Storm Water Retention Facility to be sent to Board of Supervisors for approval.
- (3/13/13) Department of State Architect approved design and construction plan documents.
- (12/20/12) California Department of Water Resources Stormwater Management Grant for $330,000 awarded to YRCS through American Rivers
- (6/17/08) The State of California Allocation Board approved and apportioned $8.5 million for YRCS to build a new school facility. To continue the pioneering spirit that has been a hallmark of YRCS, our community is building the first publicly financed Waldorf-inspired charter school facility. The State of California awarded YRCS a $4.25 million grant and $4.25 million low-interest loan funded with Proposition 1D bonds.
YRCS Solar Intention, Call out for Bids, Letter to the Public, 2020
YRCS-ASBUILT updated February 24, 2020
Removal Action Completion Report
Removal Action Completion Report Appendices E, F and G,
Final Mitigated Negative Declaration
Approval of the Final RAW
RAW (Removal Action Workplan)
Appendix I, Construction Plans, RAW
450 Architects Project Outline Project Design
Drawings EPA Brownsfield Cleanup Grant