Fiscal Information

YRCS Board of Director Fiscal Information

In direct support of the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), Yuba River Charter School’s Annual and Interim Budget outlines our fiscal approach for the upcoming year as related to anticipated revenues and expenditures. Yuba River Charter School will budget thoughtfully and responsibly, with input from our County Office of Education, our Governing Board, Staff, and Community Stakeholders.


Our most recent Audits maybe viewed here:

2022-2023 Financial Audit

2021-2022 Financial Audit

2020-2021 Financial Audit


Financial Audits may be viewed in the January Nevada County Board of Education agenda packets by clicking on the links below:

2019-2020 Financial Audit

2018-2019 Financial Audit

2017-2018 Financial Audit

2016-2017 Financial Audit

2015-2016 Financial Audit