Fun Run

Fun Run


In the spirit of Fun, Fitness, and Fundraising, The YRCS Parent Council invites Yuba River Charter School students, grades 3 through 8, to run/ walk on Friday, October 13th, and raise money in support of their class field trips. The goal is to raise $15,000 for all classes through this event!

In the spirit of giving, 10% of proceeds will go to an outside charity. Instead of physical prizes, runners will race for their classes’ support level for this year’s charity of choice, South Yuba River Citizens’ League (SYRCL). SYRCL’s mission is to unite the community to protect our beloved namesake, the Yuba River! Class Support levels To Be Announced.

Run With It!

Encourage your child ask your neighbors, friends, and relatives to make a donation to your child’s effort in this fundraiser. Please assist your child in requesting donations. To get the word out and collect donations, we’re providing two options:

Option 1) Sign up to fund-raise online! Visit HERE to get started. Scroll down for details, then click “Become a Fundraiser” and join your class’s team!

Option 2) Use the envelope provided in class to collect donations, and return it to the Main Office drop-box by Monday, October 9th.

Whether it is $1, $5 $25 or more, every bit supports your child’s educational field experience and helps us meet our $15,000 goal. Each donation is a flat rate donation, meaning it is not a pledge per lap. Donations are to be collected at the time of the request.

On Your Mark. Get Set. Go!

**New this year: Race to Help SYRCL!

Classes who participate and collectively run the most laps will have donations made in their name to South Yuba River Citizens’ League – an organization that unites the community to protect our beloved namesake, the Yuba River.

Class contributions will be based on laps run. Donation levels TBA. At the assembly following the Fun Run, each class will be presented with a certificate naming its donation. YRCS is very excited to be a part of this meaningful local project.

If you prefer to raise funds through cash/check donations, please submit with your pledge envelopes to the MAIN OFFICE DROP BOX by Monday, October 9th. Online fundraising ends October 13th.