28 Sep Fun Run 2018: October 19th
In the spirit of Fun, Fitness, and Fundraising, The YRCS Parent Council invites Yuba River Charter School students, grades 3 through 8, raise money in support of their class field trips at Fun Run on Friday, October 19, 2018. The goal is to raise $15,000 for all classes through this event!
Because we don’t have a very large space to run around and around this year, we are planning to make the “RUN” a physical fitness circuit, including some running, jumping rope, and agility exercises. We are planning on breaking up into 4-6 stations in the sports court zone, with each station requiring a certain number of reps, and cycling through these stations for 15 minutes. The class that has the highest average of completed circuits will receive a Treats Ice Cream Party. That way 8th grade can be in the running!
Run With It!
Encourage your child ask your neighbors, friends, and relatives to make a donation to your child’s effort in this fundraiser. Please assist your child in requesting donations. To get the word out and collect donations, we’re providing two options:
Option 1) Sign up to fundraise online! Visit HERE to get started. If you have multiple children, join a class team for one and create a page that supports both/all three. Donations will be divided evenly between classes.
Option 2) Use the envelope provided in class to collect donations, and return it to the Main Office dropbox by Monday, October 15th.
Whether it is $1, $5 $25 or more, every bit supports your child’s educational field experience and helps us meet our $15,000 goal. Each donation is a flat rate donation, meaning it is not a pledge per circuit completed. Donations are to be collected at the time of the request.
New This Year: Race for the Rapids!
This year, in addition to Field Trips, Fun Run will support the YRCS Rapids sports programs. This means that 10% of proceeds will go into the Parent Council’s Sports Fund account, which is used to pay coach stipends, gym rentals, uniforms and equipment.
And, don’t forget: The class who averages the most circuits completed will enjoy a Treats Ice Cream Party!!!!!!!
If you prefer to raise funds through cash/check donations, please submit with your pledge envelopes to the MAIN OFFICE DROP BOX by Monday, October 15th. Online fundraising ends October 19th.
On Your Mark. Get Set. Go Rapids!