Little Creek Preschool is a fee based private preschool that offers a five day program, three day (M/T/W) program, and two day (Th/F) program.
Little Creek Preschool is run by the Yuba River Charter School but is not a part of the YRCS TK-8 program and has its own enrollment policy and process.
Parents wanting to enroll a child in the Yuba River Charter School TK-8 program must apply separately to YRCS based on the school’s enrollment policy.
“All understanding begins in wonder.” – Goethe
At the Little Creek Preschool, we provide organic snacks and lunch, safe places to explore and test new physical skills, and friends with whom to learn and play. We do not teach facts and figures because we believe when the very young child uses his brain to memorize such things he robs his body of vital forces needed for healthy growth. Our teaching is oral, dramatic, and creative. We provide a morning rich in imagination.
Families must attend a Parent Information Meeting in order to receive an application for enrollment. See our enrollment page for the enrollment process. The first month of tuition must be paid in full prior to the first day of attendance and on the first of each month thereafter.
Little Creek Preschool teachers are trained early childhood educators. We recognize that in the first seven years children are developing their physical bodies. During this time it is important to support the work the child is doing growing. We provide opportunities for children to engage in periods of active, creative play as well as moments of quiet and calm. Simple toys made from natural materials help to foster the imagination.
One of our goals at the Little Creek Preschool is to help families bridge home and school. We realize that young children are open to the world, with no filters to shut out unwanted stimulus. In the first seven years children need to see the world as a place of harmony and beauty. Young children learn through their senses and imitation. We celebrate the senses, fostering a capacity for wonder and reverence.
For enrollment procedure see Little Creek Enrollment page.
Contact Enrollment at
(License #293622664), Tax ID# 90-0396681